The Power of Baby Massage for New Mums
Hello, new mums! Welcome to the wonderful world of parenthood, where every moment is filled with love, wonder, and a fair share of challenges.
As a baby massage expert, I'm here to share with you the incredible power of baby massage—a beautiful way to bond with your little one while promoting their health and wellbeing.
The Magic of Baby Massage: There's something truly magical about the bond between a parent and their baby, and infant massage is a beautiful way to deepen that connection. As you lovingly stroke your baby's delicate skin, you're not just providing physical comfort—you're also sending them messages of love, security, and affection.
I remember the first time I massaged my own baby Finley — a tiny bundle of joy nestled in my arms. As I gently rubbed his back and legs, I could feel the tension melting away, replaced by a sense of calm and contentment. It was a moment of pure bliss, and I knew then that baby massage would become a cherished part of our daily routine.
Benefits of Baby Massage: Baby massage isn't just about bonding—it also offers a myriad of benefits for your baby's health and development.
From promoting relaxation and better sleep to relieving discomfort from gas and colic, the benefits of baby massage are truly remarkable.
One of my favorite anecdotes comes from a new mum who struggled with her baby's colic. After incorporating daily massage into their routine, she noticed a significant improvement in her baby's symptoms. Not only did the massage help to alleviate discomfort, but it also provided a precious opportunity for bonding and connection during a challenging time.
Tips for baby Massage:
Ready to give Baby massage a try? Here are a few tips to get you started:
Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position with a tall erect spine. Baby can lie across your lap or on her back with her legs close to yours.
Shrug shoulders up and then roll them back down.
Release your jaw and the muscles of your face (your teeth should be parted). Breathe in and out through your nose long, deep and slow. As you inhale, be aware of the belly and chest expanding evenly in all directions at once. As you inhale, keep the chest open and lifted. Exhale completely. Empty yourself of breath by contracting your hips, then abdominal region and finally your diaphragm. Allow your relaxation to slow your breath. Do this three to eleven times before baby massage.
Baby Massage strokes for legs and feet:
We begin with the legs and feet. Babies of any age enjoy having their legs and feet massaged. It gives baby a chance to establish trust and accept massage gradually. Establish eye contact with your baby and smile. Ask baby’s permission: “Can Mummy give you a wonderful massage? ”Be sure to remove all rings and bracelets. Apply a small amount of natural oil (we like organic sunflower oil) into your hands and gently warm it between your palms
1. Effleurage strokes
Holding baby’s ankle with one hand, use the other hand to glide up the leg from the ankle to the thigh on the front of leg and gently glide down the back of the leg. Be sure to avoid putting pressure on baby’s knee. This stroke helps baby relax, increases circulation, and soothes baby’s nerves.
2.Indian milking
Hold both hands in a C shape.
One hand gently holds the baby’s ankle. The opposite hand gently stokes up the leg from the buttock to the ankle. Alternate hands. Move in rhythmic strokes. Ensure baby’s body does not lift off the floor.
This stroke increases circulation and soothes nerves.
3. Wringing
Using the C shape of your hands, starting at baby’s hip and holding baby’s leg with both hands close together, alternate a gentle gliding and twisting motion from the hip to ankle. Again be sure to avoid the knee.
This stroke moves across the muscle and helps tone, increase circulation and lymph drainage, and relaxes baby’s leg
If you like, you can sing a song as you do this – We like the following:
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man! Bake me a cake as fast as you can. Roll it, and prick it, and mark it with “B”, And put in the oven for Baby and me! Rolling
As though you’re rolling a piece of dough, gently roll the leg between your hands from thigh to ankle.
This stroke tones and increases circulation. Again, we can sing here if we like -Jelly-on-a-plate, jelly on a Wibble wobble, wibble wobble, jelly on a plate
4. Thumb over Thumb on feet.
On the bottoms of baby’s feet, stroke your thumbs, one after the other, from heel to the toes. This technique opens up reflexology channels stimulating the nerve endings in the feet, which correspond to organs and zones in the body.
5. Thumbpress
Press with thumb up the side of foot starting on the heel working up to big toe. Reflexology links to head, sinuses and teeth
Reflexology points:
Top of foot – Sinuses, teeth and head
Middle of foot – Colon,digestion.
Heel of foot – Pelvic, soothes nerves.
Increases circulation to the feet Opens up the energy channels in reflexology
6. Pulling toes: Hold the baby’s ankle with one hand. Using the thumb and forefinger of your free hand, squeeze the base of the big toe. Pull along the toe up to the tip. Work each toe in turn.
A great rhyme to sing while performing this massage: This little piggy went to market, This little pig stayed home. This little piggy had roast beef, This little piggy had none. And this little piggy cried, “Wee, Wee, Wee”. All the way home.
7. Thumb press and hold
Press thumb in centre of the foot - Hold for 6 seconds, then release. Repeat 3 times. Releases tension in the diaphragm and abdominal area. Helps with colic.
8. Forefinger presses on sole of foot. Using your forefinger press all over the foot.
9. Ankle circles
Using the forefinger, trace gentle circles around ankle.
This stroke increases strength and flexibility of ankle joint.
After each exercise has been performed on one leg, switch over to perform the whole sequence on the other leg.
After finishing the second leg, finish each leg with one final, relaxing effleurage stroke.
Don't be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you and your baby.
Remember, the most important thing is to follow your baby's lead and respond to their cues with love and sensitivity.
Baby massage is a beautiful way for new mums to bond with their babies while promoting their health and wellbeing. From relieving discomfort to fostering a deep sense of connection, the benefits of infant massage are truly remarkable. So why not give it a try?
Your baby—and your heart—will thank you for it.